DAY 1                DAMASCUS ROAD-Paul is blinded

RIBBON OBSTACLE COURSE-Find a clear space such as a hallway. Hang ribbon or yarn from the ceiling or from helium inflated balloons. Add a jingle bell, if you want. Set a timer and count how many ribbons the blindfolded child hits while walking the ribbon obstacle course.

"SEEING" GAMES-Talk about how a blind person uses his other senses.
1. Smell-Bottles of smell-guess what the smell is.
2. Taste-Guess by taste-lemon/sour, instant coffee powder/bitter,  popcorn/salty, banana/sweet. To make it easier, have the same items for smell & for taste.
3. Hear-
Print on cardstock
finished example
Bins, Bags,
and Boxes

4. Touch---Have a bag of items child has to touch to guess what the items are.
TOUCH CRAFT--CATERFEELER---Cut or paper punch 10 to 12 circles plus a head for the caterfeeler. Glue the circles on paper. Let children draw a face, legs, and antanea. Glue feeling objects on each body segment. Some suggested objects are
soft cotton ball, bumpy swiss dots, scratchy sandpaper, spongy art foam, furry cloth, velvety velvet, smooth plastic square, sticky tape, hard popsicle stick, rough bark, slick soap, prickly maple balls.


We Baptists have a preschool program called Mission Friends. Paul's friends helped him so that he could perform his mission to tell people about Jesus. Think about forming Preschool Friends on Mission groups of two or more children per group this week. Alternate preschoolers in the groups from time to time. I will be working on some logos for these groups sometime in the future. These groups are meant to enhance your regular preschool classes and are not meant to replace the regular mission studies such as Mission Friends. (If there are groups by these names, I have not heard of them and have not intended to steal someone else's ideas). Group possibilities are:
1. BIBLE BUDDIES-Children work together to learn Bible verses, work Bible games and make Bible crafts to give away.
2. PRAYER PALS-Find ideas of ways for preschoolers to pray for themselves and for others. I will have some ideas on this site in the future.
3. MISSION MATES-Think of mini-missions the children can do that relate to their lessons. Major missions can include mission suggestions from the Baptist organizations or from ideas in the Baptist newspapers or magazines.

Buy tiny baskets from your craft store. Fill them with "Kisses" candy. Add a Bible verse such as John 3:16 on a strip of paper. Let the children give them to parents and adult visitors to VBS. Ask them to say "Jesus loves you." as they hand out the baskets. I did this with the children one year with small "Woman at the Well Water" bottles. I made "Woman at the Well" salvation tracts to be handed out with the water. We decorated a round water cooler to look like a well. The children and adults both loved it.
Get the kids excited about belonging to these groups and continue the groups after VBS is over.

Click on basket picture for a link to instructions and another link to the printable for a baby Moses basket to weave. The basket could be used to teach about Paul being lowered in a basket.


The box zoo cage (Bins, Bags & Boxes) could also be a jail.
Make leg and wrist shackles with black constructions paper. Put one word of your Bible verse on each loop of the chain. Let children put the verse in order. Let them put the shackles on and go to jail, just like Paul and Silas went to jail for telling people about Jesus.
Tell children how that sometimes Paul was in a nicer "house" jail, and how that he used his time in jail to write letters that became New Testament books in our Bible. Have children write their Bible verse(s) in jail. The tracer writing generator will add periods, but will not add a colon. If you want to add the reference, leave a blank between the chapter and verse. Add the colon yourself.


We teach our children to tell others about Jesus. Let's show them how to prepare to tell.
*The first thing we should always teach them to do is pray for themselves and for someone to tell.
*Make a list of specific people (Mary, John, Mr. Brown) they know to pray for: family, friends, neighbors, etc.
*Provide concrete ways for the children to tell, such as the baskets of kisses in the day 2 lesson.
*Learn Bible verses about witnessing so that the Holy Spirit can use God's engraved word that has been written in the child's heart.

*Milk Carton Boat
Cut milk carton in half for 2 boats. Paint desired color. Unpainted or spray painted carton will float on water. Add a paper sail to a straw and anchor it inside the boat with some play dough.
NATURE TABLE -Storm in a Dishpan (this is same recipe as volcano, only larger amount)
Materials: Pan about 2 quart size,  about 2 cups of vinegar, baking soda, blue food coloring, about 1 quart of water, milk carton boat with sails.
Directions: Fill pan 1/2 full of warm or room temperature water. Tint water with blue food coloring. Add vinegar. Float boat on the water. Sprinkle the baking soda into the water until you get a good storm on the water. Try this at home before you try it in class.

*BLOCKS-MAP-Use large piece of blue paper for the sea. Draw a couple of islands (Malta is the smallest) and Italy (boot) if desired. Let children pretend to float their boats across the sea, experience the storm and land at Malta.
This is my Breakfast with Jesus cardboard boat (bins, bags, & boxes). Add a mast and sheet sails. Do not add nets. The boat Paul was traveling on was a cargo boat. This makes a good decoration and is good for photo ops and dramatic play. Dress kids in Bible costumes. Add some cargo on back side of boat and kids can throw cargo off board when the storm gets rough.